
Promotion of a Secure Digital Space: Prime Minister Beugré Mambé Launches National Campaign OnlineAllResponsible

Promotion of a Secure Digital Space: Prime Minister Beugré Mambé Launches National Campaign OnlineAllResponsible

On Monday, June 24, 2024, Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé officially launched the national campaign #OnlineAllResponsible in Abidjan. This initiative aims to promote a respectful and secure digital environment for all Ivorians, combating misinformation and protecting citizens online.

Prime Minister Mambé highlighted that digital channels have revolutionized our communication and interaction methods, but they also present new challenges. Misinformation, he noted, poses an insidious threat that compromises societal stability and undermines the foundations of democracy.

Beyond our social values, this scourge threatens our sovereignty, destabilizes our economies, and weakens our international standing. The Prime Minister assured that the government has taken concrete measures, including the #OnlineAllResponsible national initiative, to protect our digital space.

Minister of Communication, Amadou Coulibaly, emphasized that the campaign aims to educate and raise public awareness about the importance of responsible digital tool usage. He added that the national strategy #OnlineAllResponsible will pave the way for "a new chapter in the use of the Internet as a communication medium."

This campaign represents a significant step in ensuring a safe and respectful online environment, reflecting the government's commitment to tackling misinformation and securing the digital landscape for all citizens.