

Ousmane Diakité

Ousmane Diakité, born on January 1, 1956, in Odienné, in the Kabadougou region located in the northwest of Côte d'Ivoire, is an Ivorian imam. He is the current president of the...

Published on Jun 09, 2024

Pastor Mohammed Sanogo

Pastor Mohammed Sanogo is a prominent Ivorian Christian leader known for his dynamic ministry work and dedication to spreading the gospel. He is the president of the "Messages de Vie" ministry and...

Published on Jun 09, 2024

Norbert Éric Abékan

Norbert Éric Abékan is a prominent figure in the Catholic Church of Côte d'Ivoir...

Published on Jun 09, 2024

Imam Cissé Djiguiba

Imam Cissé Djiguiba is a prominent Ivorian religious leader and...

Published on Jun 09, 2024