
Ivorian Presidential Palace, Abidjan Plateau

Ivorian Presidential Palace, Abidjan Plateau
In Côte d'Ivoire / Jan 21, 2024 /

Ivorian Presidential Palace, Abidjan Plateau

The President of the Republic is the Head of State. He embodies national unity. He ensures compliance with the Constitution. He ensures the continuity of the State. He is the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for international commitments.

He is elected for a five-year term by direct universal suffrage. He may be re-elected only once. He chooses a Vice-President of the Republic, who is elected at the same time.

In the event of vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic by death, resignation or absolute impediment of the President of the Republic, the Vice-President of the Republic becomes, ipso jure, President of the Republic. Before taking office, he/she takes the oath before the Constitutional Council, meeting in formal audience.

The new President ceases to hold office on the expiry of the current presidential term. The President of the Republic is the sole holder of executive power. He determines and conducts national policy. He ensures the execution of laws and court decisions. He issues regulations applicable to the entire territory of the Republic. He has the right to grant pardons.

The President of the Republic is the Head of the Administration and appoints to civil and military posts. He is the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces. He chairs the Defense and Security Councils and Committees.

He accredits Ambassadors and Envoys Extraordinary to foreign powers and international organizations. Ambassadors and Envoys Extraordinary are accredited to him.

He appoints the Prime Minister, Head of Government. He terminates his functions. On the proposal of the Prime Minister, he appoints the other members of the Government and determines their powers. He presides over the Council of Ministers.

The President of the Republic initiates legislation concurrently with the members of Parliament. He ensures the promulgation of laws within thirty days of the transmission to him of the definitively adopted law. This period is reduced to five days in the event of an emergency. Before these deadlines expire, he may ask Parliament for a second reading of the law or some of its articles. This second

deliberation cannot be refused. He may also, within the same time limits, request and obtain, as of right, that such deliberation

at a session following that at which the text was adopted on first reading. The vote for this second deliberation is taken by an absolute majority of the Members of Parliament in office.


The President of the Republic, after consulting Congress, may submit to a referendum any text or any question which seems to him to require the direct consultation of the people. When the referendum has resulted in the adoption of the text, he promulgates it within the time limits laid down in article 74, paragraph 2. The President of the Republic may, by decree, delegate certain of his powers to the Vice-President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and other members of the Government.

He may, by decree, delegate some of his powers to the Prime Minister or to the member of the Government acting as Prime Minister. This delegation of powers must be limited in time and relate to a specific matter or object.

The President's Private Office

The President's Private Office is headed by a Directeur de Cabinet. The Director of the Private Office of the President of the Republic is assisted by a Chief of Staff and advisors in charge of diplomatic affairs, security and defense matters, legal affairs and matters relating to territorial administration.

The Civil Cabinet of the President of the Republic comprises:

The Protocol Department ;

§  Service du chiffre ;

§  Mail Department,

§  Archives and Documentation Department.

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic is headed by a Minister, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic. It is supported by a Cabinet headed by a Cabinet Director. The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic comprises:

A Secretariat of the National Economic Policy Council.

§  The Communications Department.

§  Advisors.

§  Researchers.

The Military Cabinet

The President's Military Cabinet is headed by the President's Chief of Staff. The Military Cabinet comprises:

§  The Special Staff

§  The Security Group of the President of the Republic (GSPR)

§  The Republican Guard (GR)

The National Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ANRMP) Is a structure attached to the Presidency of the Republic, responsible for ensuring that the principles of good governance are applied, by implementing preventive measures to combat fraud and corruption in public procurement and public service delegations.

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Current President H.E. Mr. Alassane Ouattara 5th President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, First President of the Third Republic of Côte d'Ivoire