
Education and Culture

Education and Culture


The National Polytechnic Institute of Yamoussoukro (Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, INPH) is one of the premier higher education institutions in Côte d'Ivoire, known for its excellence in engineering, tech...

Published on Jun 11, 2024

Education and Culture


ISTC was created by decree no. 92-454 of July 22, 1992. It was established as a General Management and Polytechnic Institute by decree n°2015-476 of July 1, 2015. The institute is placed under the administrative supervision of the Ministry of...

Published on Jun 11, 2024

Education and Culture


The Institut National Supérieur des Arts et de l'Action Culturelle (INSAAC) is located in Abidjan Cocody on the boulevard de l'Université Fé...

Published on Jun 11, 2024

Education and Culture

The Direction des Examens et COncours (DECO)

The Direction des Examens et COncours (DECO) is an organization of the Education Nationale which came into being on May 15, 1957 with the creation of the Conseil de Gouvernement, which put an end to the direct responsibility of the colonial admini...

Published on Jun 10, 2024

Education and Culture


The Institut Pédagogique National de l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel (IPNETP) is a national public educational establishment of an administrative nature, created by law no. 75-939 of December 26, 1975, and reorganized by decree no...

Published on Jun 10, 2024