
Mining Industry: Minister Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly Lays Foundation Stone for Côte d'Ivoire's Largest Gold Mine

Mining Industry: Minister Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly Lays Foundation Stone for Côte d'Ivoire's Largest Gold Mine

Mining Industry: Minister Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly Lays Foundation Stone for Côte d'Ivoire's Largest Gold Mine

On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, in the Worodougou region, along the Batogo-Fadiadougou road in the Kani and Dianra departments, the Minister of Mines, Petroleum, and Energy, Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly, laid the first stone for the "Koné" Gold Project, marking the beginning of the largest gold mining project in Côte d'Ivoire and the third largest in West Africa.

The Koné Gold Project is spearheaded by Montage Gold Corporation. According to the Minister, the project has mineral resources estimated at 152 tonnes of gold, with a projected mine life of 20 years. The processing plant will have an annual capacity to treat 11 million tonnes of ore, with a planned annual production of 7 tonnes of gold.

Minister Sangafowa-Coulibaly revealed that the project, which is expected to begin production in 2027, will require an investment of 489 billion FCFA. He emphasized that the implementation of this project promises significant economic and social prospects for the local population. It is set to create 2,500 direct jobs during the construction phase and more than 1,000 direct jobs during the operational phase, in addition to thousands of indirect jobs.

The Minister further highlighted that 19.8 billion FCFA will be invested in developing socio-economic and community infrastructure through the Local Mining Development Committee (CDLM) to benefit local populations.

"Your living conditions will improve with your involvement. I encourage you to maintain the legendary hospitality that your region is known for and to foster a healthy climate of cooperation with Montage Gold Corporation," Minister Sangafowa-Coulibaly advised the local communities.