Improvement of Traffic Flow Between Marcory and Port-Bouët: Soon a Third Lane on Both Sides of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Boulevard
To improve traffic circulation between the communes of Marcory and Port-Bouët, which are currently experiencing significant traffic jams due to construction work at the major Koumassi intersection and the Akwaba intersection in Port-Bouët, a third lane will be opened in both directions on the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Boulevard (formerly VGE) between Marcory and Port-Bouët.
The Minister of Equipment and Road Maintenance, Amédé Koffi Kouakou, made this announcement on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, following a visit to the road infrastructure works at the major Koumassi intersection and the Akwaba intersection in Port-Bouët.
"For this boulevard, we have agreed to make some adjustments. For example, for those traveling from Marcory to the airport, there are currently two lanes of traffic. We have agreed to create an additional lane, so there will be three lanes for those heading to the airport, and three more lanes from the airport to the city. We have given instructions to that effect," explained the Minister.
According to Amédé Koffi Kouakou, these new measures will help ease traffic on the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Boulevard between Marcory and Port-Bouët. "This will not eliminate traffic jams because the construction work is not completed yet. However, we believe that with the measures we have put in place, traffic flow will improve somewhat," he added.
It is worth noting that the completion of the work at the Akwaba intersection is expected by January 2025, while the construction of the Koumassi major intersection flyover is planned for July to August 2025. Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé visited these two construction sites on November 5, accompanied by Minister Amédé Koffi Kouakou.