
21st Edition of the IDA: Minister Nialé Kaba Outlines the Stakes of the Event

21st Edition of the IDA: Minister Nialé Kaba Outlines the Stakes of the Event

21st Edition of the IDA: Minister Nialé Kaba Outlines the Stakes of the Event

Invited to the national television channel (RTI1) on October 7, 2024, the Minister of Economy, Planning, and Development, Nialé Kaba, presented the stakes of the 21st replenishment of resources of the International Development Association (IDA-21), scheduled for December 2024 in Abidjan.

According to Nialé Kaba, the stakes of this event are multiple. It will focus on mobilizing financial resources for development in Africa, discussing economic policies to accelerate growth and reduce poverty, and coordinating regional efforts to address common challenges such as climate change, food security, and infrastructure.

Additionally, the Minister mentioned the upcoming Assembly for Economic Development in Africa, taking place from October 9 to 10, 2024, to support the IDA-21 campaign. The agenda for these two days of activities includes plenary sessions featuring discussions among heads of state, representatives of financial institutions, and development experts, as well as workshops on natural resource management and the announcement of financial commitments from donors and partnerships for future projects.

It is important to note that the IDA is one of the most effective tools available to generate inclusive and transformative development in Africa. The IDA primarily finances development projects in low-income countries to combat poverty and promote sustainable development. The last replenishment process (IDA-20) concluded in December 2021, mobilizing an unprecedented financing package of $93 billion.